Features:Fresh out of the plastic new and high caliber Self-warming cushion intended for the wrist High flexible belt,good elastic,wear comfortable,paste....
Fresh out of the plastic new and high caliber
Self-warming cushion intended for the wrist
High flexible belt,good elastic,wear comfortable,paste and firm,changeless structure
Can successfully improve blood flow, advance digestion, and clear the meridians, upgrade insusceptibility
Appropriate to bone hyperplasia, wrist torment, joint torment and different indications of hyperthermia treatment
Simple to utilize, careful and can be utilized anyplace whenever
Safe and agreeable to wear
External layer:Ultra delicate self-cement cloth,easy to take on/off(Can alter the size)
1-2 hours of the day is suggested
Color: appear as in the image
Note: If the body part shows up redness, fever, hyperthermia, it is an ordinary phenomenon,With time, heat extraordinary will end up feeble and the warming time will get longerPregnant ladies, kids and the individuals who endure hypertension, heart inconveniences, frail astuteness, incapacity to self deal with the lifeDo not utilize the item in delicate parts, for example, eyes
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